
Picking The Right Name For Your Business (3 Tips!)


I am Jess! Ottawa brand strategist and website designer helping ambitious service-based businesses grow with confidence through meaningful design. I'm the type of gal that use one too many exclamation mark in my emails and can only have one cup of coffee a day. Weird, I know. If you ever want to chat any thing biz, branding, or well - life, feel free to reach out!










In this post, I will be sharing a little bit about my rebrand experience, how I picked my business name, and three tips that you can start taking action today.

According to Stats Canada, there are approximately 1.3 million businesses in Canada… which makes picking the right name for your business that much harder when you are starting a new business or going through a rebrand experience. Some might say, it’s harder than picking a name for a newborn child.

It’s important to keep in mind that the goal is to pick something that resonates with your audience AND ideally can evolve with you over time. The more intentional you are from the beginning, the better results it will yield as you begin to create processes, pitch sales, and map out your client experience and offerings.

Here are three actionable tips to pick the right name for your business!

Think About Your Story + Impact

One of the most important elements I urge you to think about is your story and impact. What got you here? What difference do you want to make by starting this business? How do you want to help others? What do you want your legacy to be?

I know… it’s a lot to think about… and somewhat overwhelming too. However, to pick the right name for your business that is meaningful AND strategic… you gotta think long-term. Knowing the answers to these questions upfront can help anchor you in your decision, communicate your brand message easier, and connect with your audience.

A great example would be TenTree, a sustainable clothing store that designs and sells clothes made with Hemp, Cork & Organic Cotton. For every item purchased, they plant 10 trees, hence their business name!

When I selected the name “Studio Crescent”, it goes far deeper than the moon and her glorious beauty. The word “Crescent” stems from the Latin word “crescere”, which means to grow, to create, to expand. This led me to dream bigger for the future of my business — beyond the freedom, the money. My ultimate goal with Studio Crescent is to empower the modern woman to redefine success and freedom – in her own way – through the power of branding.

Because it’s about embracing more of who we are…

… so that we can grow into who we are destined to become.

Related Post: The Meaning Behind Studio Crescent

Explore Keywords

With those questions lingering in your mind, the next thing I suggest you do is to keep a notebook of any keywords that pop into your head. Don’t filter, just jot them down!

Write down keywords that…

  • What makes you… you! (Upbringing, Story, Core Values)
  • Directly speaks to the impact you want to create (try in different languages but make sure they are easy to pronounce!)
  • Are an extension of your personality
  • Embodies the aesthetic that you want
  • Resonates with your audience
  • What inspires or motivates you
  • Alternate versions of words related to the services you’re offering

As you are writing them down, I suggest doing an inventory check of existing businesses within your industry that have similar keywords in order to eliminate them. The last thing you want is to name your business with something similar to an already established business. Not only will this confuse potential clients but also puts you at a disadvantage.

Bonus Tip: Run your business name through a Keyword Research Tool to ensure it doesn’t hurt your SEO rankings! You wouldn’t want your business name to be a popular keyword as it would negatively impact your discoverability.

Make A List… Then Check It Thrice!

Once you have a list of keywords that you love, I suggest going through the process of elimination at least three times. First slim it down to your top 10 choices, then your top 5, and then your top 2. Rank them accordingly just in case you have to work with a backup. This goes without saying… TAKE YOUR TIME! If you have the spare time, I would even suggest making a pros and cons list with your top 5 choices just so that you are able to make a conscious and objective decision.

Nowadays, there is more to look for than just ensuring the business name is available within your province. Here are other channels to look into:

  • Business Registry with your province/state (check Trademark search!)
  • Website Domain (i.e. Google Domains)
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok and/or Youtube

I would recommend ensuring most, if not all, of your social media handles are the same. For example, @studio.crescent vs @studiocrescentco vs @studiocrescent are all different and can be hard for someone to remember. Chances are, you are losing potential clients or visitors if you have different handles for them to stumble onto. So when you are doing your due diligence, try your very best to make sure the handle is available and the same all across!

Bonus Tip: If you are feeling torn between two names, see if there is a way to merge them together to create something unique and memorable! For example, my former business name was “Grace & Oak” – I wanted a subtle reminder to always have grace, for myself and my clients running my business. Additionally, my goal was to create brands that stand the test of time through a strategic, meaningful approach.

Related Post: Skills To Master As A Business Owner


Picking the right name for your business is no easy feat… however, don’t let the decision paralyze you from taking action. Nothing is ever permanent. As businesses grow and evolve, there is always the option to rebrand. A business name is JUST a name on its own, which is why business owners should invest in brand strategy to build equity and obtain a roadmap to achieve your goals.

If you are interested in diving deeper into the core of your brand, gaining clarity in your messaging, and positioning yourself differently, I do offer a standalone brand strategy workshop that will help with that. Book a call below to learn more about what this experience entails!


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