
Bucketlist Bombshells Review: How One Course Sparked My Creativity


I am Jess! Ottawa brand strategist and website designer helping ambitious service-based businesses grow with confidence through meaningful design. I'm the type of gal that use one too many exclamation mark in my emails and can only have one cup of coffee a day. Weird, I know. If you ever want to chat any thing biz, branding, or well - life, feel free to reach out!










If you have been thinking about working remotely in picturesque Bali or next to the turquoise seas in Tulum … you probably came across the “Bucketlist Bombshells” on your Facebook or Instagram feed. You know, because they are that psychic.

But in all seriousness, that happened to me and you can say my world was flipped upside down.

Growing up, I never considered myself “creative”. I just brushed it off as being something that wasn’t in my “DNA”. In my culture, arts were looked at more as a hobby where math, engineering, medicine, and law were celebrated. I still remember so vividly how much fun I had designing my friends’ “MySpace” profiles or not-so-secret blogs (oh, the teenage angst years). My parents also certainly thought it was a waste of time and never encouraged anything arts-related (unless it’s playing the piano). But the thought that “branding” or “web design” could be a career in the future never crossed my mind even one bit or that I could be good at it if I just let myself be.

Fast forward to a few years later, I was staring at my computer in my cubicle in my mid-20s wondering if there is more to life than the good ol’ “9-to-5”. It just felt so predictable and draining. At that time, I had started a business a couple of years back that didn’t really bring me that “spark” I was looking for. I felt trapped, stuck, and even a little desperate. Until one Sunday, when I was dreading the usual Monday morning and started to brainstorm every single way to escape my reality… then an ad for Bucketlist Bombshells appeared, like magic:

Ready to start an online business that gives you the freedom to work remotely and design your life for joy, adventure and purpose?”

Um, yes?!! How are you reading my mind? Did someone install a listening device on my computer?


Who are the Bucketlist Bombshells?

So the name may sound a little superficial. But Cassie and Shay are the least of all. They are fun, genuine, down-to-earth, and authentic. The pair met at a coffee shop in Mexico after graduating from university and running their own individual business. Both knowing no dream is too crazy, they co-founded the Bucketlist Bombshells Academy in hopes of teaching thousands of other millennial women to launch their own freedom-filled online businesses while working remotely.

The business, community, and movement they have built together over the last few years have been absolutely inspiring to watch. What drew me in, even more, is that they are a business for good where they donate a percentage of proceeds to the Kopila School in Nepal supporting girls’ education – something I am equally as passionate about. Watch this video to hear how they are changing the lives of young girls in Nepal to overcome poverty, get an education, and pursue their dreams.

My Bucketlist Bombshells Experience

After days of mulling over whether to invest or not, I took the plunge and enrolled in the Design & Tech Bundle. At that time, it was the biggest investment I had made aside from my second-handed Apple Macbook off Kijiji.

The Design Course was the most excited about and it didn’t disappoint. It gave me the foundations I needed to kickstart my design journey. Cassie goes over the foundations of graphic design such as colour, typography, and layout, followed by the process of how to create basic branding and marketing collaterals in Adobe Creative Suite. The curriculum and style of teaching were easy to follow and clearly articulated; there are videos, worksheets, and templates included which helped me digest the information easily! But what I loved most was that I was able to apply the skills right away with creative briefs and client projects that I could later use to build my portfolio!

For me personally, The Tech Course was more of a refresher as I am someone that was already pretty tech-savvy. Shay goes over the basics of social media management on the most popular platform to date (which was Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest back when I took the course!), website design, blog maintenance, email marketing, and sales pages. I’ll admit there were times when I would have wanted more information than just the basics of setting up and optimizing a social media profile but it was probably not the right fit for me! I still, however, appreciated the lessons since they complemented the way I set up my business months later.

Another huge perk is that you get access to their private Bucketlist Bombshell Facebook groups where you can showcase your projects for feedback and notes from other students. To be honest, it’s almost as great as being in class at a school! The support you receive from other students and their community leaders is always so insightful. No question is ever too “silly” to ask!

BB Academy Is Right for You If…

  • You are dreaming of starting an online business but have zero ideas as to how to get there.
  • You have that creative itch but aren’t completely sure as to what that is and are curious to explore more as to what that is.
  • You enjoy self-paced learning and are able to commit to putting time aside to apply the skills you learned.
  • You don’t have much knowledge in graphic design, social media management, virtual administration, or web design… and are excited to learn the foundational basics!
  • You are looking for a kickass community that is supportive, collaborative, and just plain awesome.

BB Academy May Not Right for You If…

  • You have previous knowledge in graphic/web design, email marketing, and social media management.. and are looking for something more advanced. In that case, their “Work Online & Travel The World” course might be a great fit if you are looking for the ABCs in starting a business.
  • You are looking for hands-on “live training” and/or coaching from mentors and teachers.
  • You are looking for a “one-size-fits-all” solution.
  • You don’t have the time to commit right now and are looking for “overnight success”.

Where I Am Now as A Creative Business Owner

After I finished the Bucketlist Bombshell Academy in the Fall of 2019, I will admit that I took some time to get my business ready for launch. For me, intention and direction were a priority since I previously launched a business on a whim, and hustled hard, only to realize that it wasn’t my true passion. I knew I wanted to do it differently this time around.

I launched my branding + web design business officially in June 2020 and landed two clients the week after I announced my business. Since then, I have had a steady stream of clients while still working at my 9-5 and grew by brand a lot quicker than I would have ever imagined and charging premium prices. It has also allowed me to invest in business coaching and masterminds to further my growth.

And it all started with one course and an incredibly supportive community.

The Bucketlist Bombshells equipped me with more than foundational knowledge, they revived the creativity inside of me and that’s something I am forever grateful for. It was the spark that has been missing all along and I wouldn’t have ever found it without their courses. As I am reaching my one-year anniversary of running Studio Crescent (formerly Grace & Oak) in a few months, I am just in disbelief that this is my life. The fact that not only do I have the opportunity to do what I love, but also being able to serve passionate, ambitious, and impact-driven entrepreneurs around the world with thoughtful and stylish branding.

Related post: My 2020 Year In Review

“Working with Studio Crescent was honestly the best and most valuable thing I could have ever done for my business. Jessica was really able to digest everything that I threw at her and enabled me to focus on what my niches were. I feel as though she was taking my entire brain and putting it down on “paper”. She picked out what was TRULY important to me, aligned and empowered the best parts of me as a marketer, and gave me so much clarity.” – Samantha, Socials Brewing

My Advice for Future Bombshells (+ How To Make The Most Of Them)

If you are truly interested in learning more (and taking a chance on your dreams!), I suggest diving into the incredibly well-written blog, as well as their free workshop: 3 Steps to Learn the Skills You Need to Make An Income Online Free Workshop get a taste of their personality, knowledge, and style.

Just like every professional development investment, you are investing in YOURSELF. The courses are not a “magic wand” solution that will turn you into an overnight success. It will take time, patience, and practice! To make the most of your courses, here are my five top tips:

  1. Make a commitment to yourself and block out 1-2 hours a week to go through the course(s)!
  2. Complete each of the projects and use them to build your portfolio.
  3. Engage with the BB Course Facebook Group whenever you can! It’s a give and take. Use the community to meet others and build relationships. These ladies are going to be your closest allies and friends as you start out on this journey.
  4. Don’t rush the creative process and definitely don’t compare your page 1 to someone else’s chapter 10.
  5. Be patient with yourself… and believe in your potential.

And if you are still not sold… don’t just take my word for it! Here are some incredible success stories from students of the Bucketlist Bombshell courses!

If you have any other questions about Bucketlist Bombshells or their course academy, leave a comment below or send me a private note on Instagram! And if you are ready to take the leap, you can enroll here. There’s no better time than NOW!


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