
Studio Crescent: The Meaning Behind The Business Name


I am Jess! Ottawa brand strategist and website designer helping ambitious service-based businesses grow with confidence through meaningful design. I'm the type of gal that use one too many exclamation mark in my emails and can only have one cup of coffee a day. Weird, I know. If you ever want to chat any thing biz, branding, or well - life, feel free to reach out!










When I first launched Studio Crescent, I knew I wanted it to be bigger than me.

As I was fortunate to have my 9-5 at the time, I was able to build a give-back component into my business model early on. I knew without a doubt I wanted to support girls’ education and empower the next generation of women, which was why I decided to partner with Kurandza as a give-back partner and sponsor.

A part of me knew that my old business name (Grace & Oak) was unique and had built up somewhat of an online presence within the industry – which made it much harder to leave behind. However, another part of me knew that I would be held back, in some sort of way down the line, because I wasn’t feeling as connected or aligned with the original messaging and brand identity anymore.

And so began my journey to find that perfect name…

It took months. Combing through all the possible words that I wanted this new phase of my business to embody, I kept dozens and dozens of words in my Notes app, hoping for one to stand out and stick. Until one day, I serendipitously came across the meaning of the word “Crescent”.

Crescent: stems from the latin word “crescere”, which means to grow, to create, to expand.


Through my rebranding journey working with Salted Pages, the copywriter extraordinaire behind my messaging and website, she asked me all of the questions as to what I want my brand to embody and more importantly – why I started this business.

What started out as a quest for “location-freedom” became one of the biggest life-changing moments of my life. My entrepreneurial journey, similar to many, started with doubts and self-limiting beliefs. For the longest time, I didn’t think I was “creative”. I never saw myself as someone that could run a business or be in a design role. And despite being nominated numerous times for awards and getting 5-star reviews in the events + wedding industry, I still wasn’t feeling “good enough”.

And as I grew older, I came across more and more women that would be hiding their talents, brilliance, or confidence just because they didn’t feel like they were “______” enough or felt like they couldn’t go after their dreams without having all the boxes ticked off. I soon realized that I was doing the same thing — listening to my self-limiting beliefs and choosing fear over my dreams.

After launching and working with a handful of clients, I began to realize how we are all so conditioned to “do the right thing” or “act the right way” to make it seem like we know everything. It felt no different than putting a charade on at a 9-5. In a world where access to information is so readily available, we are constantly being told what to do, what not to do… how to do or how not to do. It’s exhausting and can ultimately make running a business that much more mentally draining.

After all, didn’t we all start our own businesses to do things our way and live our lives the way that we have envisioned?

Often I am told by most of my clients that the biggest and most invaluable “return on investment” thing they received after working with me is the sense of clarity and confidence in their business. They feel empowered to move forward and take the next big step into their business, whether that be scaling, hiring, or even just showing up online.

That’s the power of branding.

My ultimate goal with Studio Crescent is to empower the modern woman to redefine success and freedom – in her own way – through the power of branding.

That way, we can…

  • CELEBRATE your individuality
  • GAIN clarity and confidence in what you do
  • FIND freedom and joy in your business

I am all about celebrating new beginnings and expansions of new ideas, shedding old beliefs into new ones, and encouraging infinite growth.

Because it’s about embracing more of who we are…

… so that we can grow into who we are destined to become.

If all of this resonates with you, let’s connect because I am always looking for like-minded business owners to call friends! It’s one heck of a journey – and way more fun when you have people to share it with.


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